JVZoo Affiliate Marketing Method 2024

JVZoo Affiliate Marketing Method 2024


Simon Says the Secret Key to His Success is to Only Promote High Ticket Products and to Use “Premium” Traffic Sources Such as Microsoft Advertising (Bing), Google Adwords and Facebook Clicks Sent to a Landing Page

The 2nd Secret is to Send to Not Just a Landing Page but an Optin Page, Build Your List, Build a Useful Relationship with Your List as in Offer Some Sort of Value.   And In Fact, Finding Helpful Products for  Your List to Buy IS a Value Added Service if the Product Helps them, Saves them Time, Helps Advance Their Business, Make Their Business or Life Easier, Helps them Get What They Want More Quickly and Easily, Makes them Feel Alive and Excited,  Makes Them Experience a Fantasy

  • Did you know and I bet you do, that a lot of people buy products, not so much for the product but for the experience of buying products?
  • Previous generation women, the house wife type were known for just loving the experience of shopping, often times more than what was purchased. 
  • A lot of people like to buy biz opp, business opportunity products to experience the dream of it all, to enjoy the exciting process, but, don’t really want to actually do what the product says or get involved in some new thing that has any sort of learning curve.  And guess what?  That’s okay.  
  • In the past, people have been guilted and shamed for selling business opportunities, online business strategies, as if they were doing something bad or low class.  Much of the time, those were job matrix people, job slaves, jealous, maybe not so intelligent, or with low self esteem which gets them to attack others because they bought into the matrix, yet they see others escaping the matrix with their own online, work from home business. 
  • Bottom line is that:  if people want to buy what you’re selling, then sell it to them.  Just make sure your product factually matches your sales letter. 
  • This dude needs a girl friend, who’s not a gold digger that is.  We should create a entrepreneur dating site.

Learn how to make money through JVZoo affiliate marketing by promoting high-paying products, building a branded website, capturing leads, and targeting buyer traffic. Consistency and taking action are key to achieving success.

hi Simon here in this video I will show you how to make money with jbu affiliate marketing and how I pulled in $41,000 in one month and $111,000 in one week through affiliate marketing so I will also show you how we’ve been able to travel all around the world have Financial Freedom time freedom to do what I want when I want all because of affiliate marketing today we will talk about jvu affiliate marketing here I would like to show you how I’ve been able to have Financial Freedom time freedom and pretty good lifestyle all
from affiliate marketing this is to show you what is possible to inspire you motivate you but I want to show you the most important thing that actually I’m not talking and teaching from Theory but actually I’m doing things myself I have my own successful online business so step number one to make money through jvu affiliate marketing is for you to find product to promote so highly recommend you promote high paying affiliate products that are paying at least $500 to $1,000 commission per sale so basically you can go to JV zo
Marketplace and you can search for different products they’re paying at least $500 or $1,000 commission per sale so the more you earn per sale the better it is because you will need Less sales to earn more money so if you want to earn let’s say $10,000 per month and you’re only earning $100 commission per sale you literally need 100 sales every single month to earn $110,000 per month it’s a lot of sales but if you can earn let’s say $11,000 commission per sale you will only need 10 sales per month
month or $10,000 per month so it’s a huge difference between 10 versus 100 sales so when you have high paying affiliate product to promote step two is for you to build your own personal branded website number one in WordPress you can build website and you can add multiple product reviews you can review products and then you can basically write different articles or make review videos you can either repay somebody else to do that for you and also you can build your own email list number three I also recommend you build your own
landing page so we can capture leads you will basically build an email list when you’re building an email list you’ll be able to follow up with your lists every single day so over the next let’s say 3 months you will be driving traffic to your landing page to your WordPress website you’ll be able to build an email list of 2,000 3,000 5,000 leads that means that in the next three months you can literally follow up with those people every day you can send out one email to 5 10,000 people get people to
click on your link get people to open your emails and engage and buy and you can leave the earn a lot of money by Simply Having send you know sending out emails to your leas step four is for you to basically get laser targeted traffic you have to get buyer traffic so it’s not about quantity how many people you get to your landing page how many people you get to your WordPress site but it’s all about it’s all about quality traffic quality but always always beats quantity it’s not about how many people you get
on your Landing pay but it’s all about quality people you want the buyer traffic you want people that will basically spend money with you that will buy to through your affiliate link so where you can get buyer traffic number one Google ads Google search advertising two YouTube advertising YouTube search and number three Bing search advertising those are buyer traffic people are already on those three platforms searching for the product or a solution so basically if we can show them our ad at that moment when they’re searching
for the product or a solution we can get a lot of people to basically buy from your affiliate link so when it comes to YouTube ads you don’t have to make your YouTube ad video you don’t have to show your face you don’t have to show and share your voice you can literally Outsource video production there are websites like Fiverr you have a upb you can go and pay people five 10 bucks to create a video ad for you and you can literally run a YouTube ad for5 $10 per day right here you can see you can go to
Google ads set the budget 5 10 20 bucks per day simply scroll down select your video ad you can simply paste the video in here the link and then next step is for you to basically go and basically select your audience and start spending some money on Advertising start building your list and start making profit every single day so my friend remember this nothing will ever change just watching videos jumping from one video to another you have to act you have to make Act take action Massive Action every single
day so the key to successful business is for you to be consistent you have to be consistent every single day in getting traffic in getting leads in creating ads you have to be consistent get 10 20 leads every single day to your landing page to the WordPress page and you will start seeing results over the next month two months you will create massive momentum sales will start rolling in you will have money to spend on ads you will be be building list you will have more money to build huge Leist and basically
keep growing your business so I recommend you get a mentor coach go through my training take my coaching and I’m looking forward to show you how I’ve been able to build myself highly profitable highly successful affiliate marketing business I literally started from nothing from scratch I was broke I was literally at the point where I was about to give up because I didn’t know how to succeed with affiliate marketing with JV Zoo but when I got the mentor he showed me step by step how to get best quality traffic build list Ed Marketing
Systems and basically make big ticket commissions I will see you my friend in the next YouTube video so now I have a lot of clients I have a lot of students people working with me so you’re asking and wondering who actually is earning money by following me so I have a lot of followers students people that literally started from nothing without any previous experience and as you can see right here on the screen I’m going to play just after in the you know after this video a testimonials from my students my clients and you will see
exactly how average regular people just like you been able later to build highly profitable successful for business through affiliate marketing also promoting jvu affiliate products so it’s all about implementing what I’m teaching on my channel and basically working with me many of my students and clients are actually taking my coaching my mentoring program where I will work with them oneon-one for four months I will Coach them guide them and show them exactly how to find highly profitable high
paying products how to basically do the research how to build personal WordPress website how to add products how to add content how to run Google ads YouTube ads I will literally show them how to change from within you have to remember that basically success will come from within so basically first of all you have to know what do you want two how do you get it and then you need to have somebody that already have the results that you want to have so most people are trying to learn everything on their own
but if you’re trying to learn everything on your own you will just watch YouTube videos jump from one course to another and you will never get anywhere the only people who succeed and change life are those that basically have coaches mentors those are the people that basically will see transformation and we’ll see it drastically in the short period of a time so if you want me to coach or Mentor you go through my training take my coaching you can schedule a go with me and right now I will play some testimonials for my
students my coach clients people that work with me and you will see exactly what they are saying about me I’m not the only one making money but also I have a lot of other people transform and their life two weeks ago I invested in 250 clicks from Shimon M’s traffic agency and the results have been amazing I’ve already made two sales as an affiliate making over 1.2k in commissions from a product that he recommended and I can’t wait to see what happens with 250 bonus Clips thanks again Shimon for the incredible service
one month ago I bought 1,000 clicks from Simeon migli advertising agency plus I got 1,000 bonus Clicks in my first month I made $12,200 in commissions from the total of 2,000 clicks including those bonus clicks and I got a, 100 lead I bought 500 clicks from simia mclick and made more than 5600 in Commissions in the first two weeks from the first half of clicks I can’t wait to buy more traffic again



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